Service to the Community Since 1966

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New Hartford Women's Club

Aware * Involved * Helping

Contact Us * New Hartford Women's Club ​* Join Today! * P.O. Box 492 New Hartford, CT 06057


The New Hartford Women’s Club, founded in 1966, is a non-profit organization composed of local women diverse in age, background, and interests; but all sharing the common goal of helping and improving our community. 


Throughout the year, we've tied blankets for Project Linus, cut shoe patterns for Sole Hope, sponsored a Babysitting Certification course, filled Backpacks for Kids-in-Need, coordinated a Giving Tree at Christmas time, and fulfilled some emergency fund requests along the way.

We've enjoyed serving our community and building friendships, with fun activities too; a fun paint night, a bunco night and a fun year end dinner out.

New Hartford Women's Club acknowledges an appreciative GIFT of $1,000 from Northwest Community Bank Foundation towards the Baby-Sitting Course.

Our financial contributions have included, but are not limited to, the following organizations and foundations:  

o     Bakerville Public Library

o     Beekley Public Library Children's Summer Program

o     Defibrillator for the Town Hall
       (installed by the New Hartford Volunteer Ambulance)

o     Food Share

o     Hands of Grace

o     Historical Society

o     Neighbor to Neighbor

o     Salvation Army
o     School Scholarship

o     South End Fire Station

o     Susan B Anthony

o     Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

o     Volunteer Fire Department

Service to the Community Since 1966